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Inspections services -   Thermal Inspections

Thermal Inspection Services employ infrared technology to detect variations in surface temperatures of structures, electrical systems, or components. By capturing thermal images, these inspections uncover anomalies, potential faults, or inefficiencies invisible to the naked eye, enabling proactive identification of issues, preventive maintenance, and energy efficiency improvements for enhanced safety and performance of assets or infrastructure.

Thermal Inspections

Visual inspection with a camera or radar can help in many situations. But sometimes, you'll need another way of checking and preventing issues.

For example, classic visual scanning can't detect electrical equipment faults, solar panel cell defects, or check the thermal insulation of an object.

All these and many other cases call for a thermal inspection.

Where is thermographic inspection especially suitable and recommended? 

A single overloaded socket and bam, a disaster happens. Nobody wants that. This procedure helps reveal possible faults and precludes non-wanted situations.

Solar panels need adequate maintenance to provide the best results. They can have hidden dangers like defective cells, accumulated humidity and dirt, or faulty interconnections.

Usually, a thermal inspection of panels is conducted with drones. They have many advantages:

Cost-effective and efficient: 

Drone inspection takes less time and needs fewer expenses than other forms. That makes them highly practical and suitable for this process. 

A broad range of detectable weaknesses: 

Drones can show many faults in solar panels, making them specifically valuable.

Possibility to check every panel and analyze the history of data:

Thermographic inspection with drones allows you to inspect literally every piece! That provides you with a better overview of the situation.

When you get information, you can track and compare it with previous or further inspections.

This procedure is crucial to avoid energy loss and increase the efficiency of the building. In that way, you'll save money and prevent future losses. 

Thermal inspection is a helpful and usable method that ensures a detailed insight into hidden threats and controls them. 

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We will get to know each other, talk about your wishes and help you to choose the best surveying techniques for all your needs.