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LiDAR Services - Mobile Mapping

Mobile Mapping in 3D Laser Scanning involves the integration of laser scanning technology with mobile platforms such as vehicles or drones to capture detailed and georeferenced three-dimensional data of the surrounding environment. This dynamic approach enables efficient and comprehensive surveying of large areas, offering invaluable insights for geodetic applications in urban planning, infrastructure management, and environmental monitoring.

Welcome to the surveying world of various possibilities, reduced costs, and highly accurate data.

Welcome to mobile mapping. 

Mobile mapping is a surveying method that collects data using a mobile vehicle fitted with equipment such as radar, camera, scanner, LiDAR system, etc. It can be a car, boat, drone, van, train, or airplane.

Its main advantage is that it's suitable for different industries and projects.

For example, if you plan to construct a road, railway, or highway, it's probably the best option. Mobile mapping is easy to conduct, even in urban areas.

How does this process work?

A surveyor drives the car at the usual traffic speed while the high-tech tools gather necessary data in seconds.

Sometimes the surveyor will carry the equipment personally and do the whole process simply by walking, without any vehicle! 

This method is called SLAM mapping. It provides a realistic 3D model with a special scanner algorithm, making it a revolutionary approach in mobile mapping surveying.

Let's see the main benefits of mobile mapping

Perfect for many industries and projects

This surveying method is the best solution for roads, highways, railways, mapping urban areas, for underwater and underground structures.

High-accuracy data and widespread use

It provides exact information about the environment and objects. The data gathered during this process allows you to make different 2D or 3D models for many projects.


It saves time, money, and effort. If you have a short deadline or a limited budget, mobile mapping will quickly provide the necessary information with minimum costs and workforce.

Improves safety

If the environment is risky, don't worry. That's where this effective technique pops in. It will allow you to organize this process with minimum traffic management and improve the security of workers and the public.

Collecting a large amount of data in a short period

This method is highly efficient because it provides much information in seconds. That is crucial for every project. It saves time and enables faster decision-making.

Mobile mapping chan​ges the surveying of how we know it in a better way. It's cost-effective, helps faster collecting data, and provides more precise information all at once.

Click on the button and book a video meeting.

We will get to know each other, talk about your wishes and help you to choose the best surveying techniques for all your needs.